Pharmacy Department Laboratories
Pharmaceutical Laboratory
It is considered one of the basic laboratories in the Department of Pharmacy, Al-Farabi University College, as it includes pharmaceutical calculations, physical pharmacy, technological pharmacy, and industrial pharmacy, which are concerned with everything related to the design and production of the pharmaceutical form that distinguishes the final pharmaceutical preparation taken by the patient, as the laboratory provides the necessary machines and devices necessary to produce these preparations and the quality control methods required to be learned by students in the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth stages.
Microbiology Laboratory
One of the basic laboratories in the Department of Pharmacy, which includes the Bacteria and Parasites Laboratory, in which the student learns about the most important diagnostic tests for bacterial pathogens and tests to detect antibiotics, viruses, and parasites and diagnose immune diseases. It is also equipped with the most important diagnostic devices and equipment necessary for this, such as microscopes, incubators, and sterilization devices such as the oven.
Anatomy Laboratory
This laboratory is one of the important basic laboratories for students of the Department of Pharmacy at Al-Farabi University College, as it helps the student to become familiar with the subject of anatomy and physiology from a scientific practical point of view, helping her to identify the different organs of the body that Organized within the devices
Chemistry Laboratory
The laboratory aims to give students a general idea about organic and biological compounds and develops the student’s ability to perform various experiments and chemical reactions. In this laboratory, students of the Department of Pharmacy in our college are taught the basic concepts of organic pharmaceutical chemistry through the structure, properties and reactions of organic compounds, and to familiarize the student closely with the methods used to synthesize various drugs
Drug and Medicinal Plants Laboratory
The Drug and Medicinal Plants Laboratory is considered a research laboratory and aims to introduce students to medicinal plants and their most important components that have therapeutic benefits and their relationship to human health. It also teaches students how to extract these therapeutic components and methods of purifying them and measuring their chemical and physical properties to ensure them
Physiology and Histology Laboratory
It is one of the laboratories of the Department of Pharmacy, where students learn through this laboratory how to diagnose pathological changes that occur in tissues as a result of being affected by various diseases. The laboratory also contains some preserved samples for the purpose of observing tissue changes as well as identifying blood samples and how to separate them and many physiological tests that deal with the functions of organs in the human body
Pharmaceutical and Toxicology Laboratory
It is concerned with studying methods of dealing with laboratory animals and the effect of drugs and different doses on them. Toxicology and its clinical applications are also studied, as well as the harmful effects of drugs and chemicals.
Biochemistry Laboratory
It is one of the main laboratories of the Department of Pharmacy. The laboratory accommodates forty male and female students. It is a branch of chemistry that focuses on studying materials and chemical processes that occur in living systems such as cells, tissues and organs