Petroleum Engineering Department Labotories

  • Reservoir Laboratory

Reservoir Laboratory was established in 2014 in the Petroleum Engineering Department for third-stage students. It can be seen as a complement to the theoretical engineering subject of reservoirs. The main objective is to experimentally measure the petrophysical properties of rock types and crude oil samples and compare them with theoretical calculations. The laboratory’s mission includes applying experimental tools to field rock samples, measuring petrophysical properties of cores such as porosity and permeability, and analyzing reservoir fluid properties (PVT analysis).

  • Drilling Laboratory

This laboratory was established in 2014 in the Petroleum Engineering Department for third-stage students. The lab serves as a supplement to the theoretical drilling engineering subject. Its mission is to analyze drilling fluid properties by conducting various experiments on drilling mud samples of different concentrations to determine the effect of different additives on the rheological properties of the mud. Through this lab, students gain the ability to access and prepare various types of drilling muds to handle obstacles and achieve desired properties under drilling conditions.

  • Geology Laboratory

The Geology Laboratory was established in 2013 in the Petroleum Engineering Department for first and second-stage students. It houses a diverse collection of mineral and rock samples, including igneous and sedimentary rocks. The lab’s mission is to study structural rocks, identify their physical and textural properties, and train students in analyzing and constructing contour maps. The primary objective is to provide students with sufficient knowledge to identify rock types.

  • Petroleum Properties Laboratory

This laboratory was Established in 2013 in the Petroleum Engineering Department for second-stage students, the main objective of this laboratory is to provide students with sufficient knowledge about the properties of crude oil samples and derivatives, such as density, specific gravity of oil, flash point, aniline point, etc. The lab’s mission involves testing crude oil, petroleum feedstocks, fuels, and other refined products.

  • Fluids Laboratory

This laboratory was established in 2014 in the Petroleum Engineering Department for second-stage students, the Fluids Laboratory’s mission is to analyze fluid flow through pipes. The main objective is to conduct experiments to calculate flow rates, pressures, and pressure losses during flow in pipes, comparing experimental data with theoretical results.

  • Strength of Materials Laboratory

This laboratory was established in 2014 in the Petroleum Engineering Department for second-stage students, the Strength of Materials Laboratory analyzes material resistance and its effects on surroundings. The main objective is to train students to measure mechanical properties of materials such as elasticity, solidity, stress, yield point, etc. Students are able to analyze experimental data and results and compare measured and calculated outcomes

Petroleum Engineering Department Labotory Photos