Prof. Dr. (Osama Abd Al-Majid Al-Ani) and Assistant Lecturer (Laith Ali Muhammad Al-Hayali), both lecturers in the Department of Accounting and Banking Sciences, participated in the second annual international scientific conference for their research entitled (Disclosure of Social Responsibility in Iraqi Islamic Banks – A Field Study), which is evaluated by the Ministry of Finance – The Financial and Accounting Training Center and under the auspices of His Excellency the Minister of Finance, Ms. (Taif Sami Muhammad) in the vicinity of Al-Mustansiriya University – the Great Hall in cooperation with the Central Bank of Iraq, the Association of Iraqi Private Banks and a number of governmental and private banks under the slogan (Reforming the banking sector is on our way to achieving economic advancement), and with the participation College of Administration and Economics – Al-Mustansiriya University. The conference was attended by a number of heads of Iraqi and Arab universities, a representative of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, a number of general managers, and a number of experts, academics and researchers from inside and outside Iraq, Arabs and foreigners. To shed light on the work of the banking financial sector and the need for its development, and to discuss the prospects and challenges in Under the economic repercussions, the role of banks in achieving sustainable development, and the impact of financial technology in improving the level of financial inclusion in Iraq.