Oil and Gas Refinery Engineering Department Labotories

1- Chemistry Lab

This lab includes various chemical experiments in the specializations of general, organic and analytical chemistry, such as preparing aspirin, acids, etc. It uses various glass laboratory tools and is used by first-year students for the first and second semesters.

The student is also introduced to the conditions and methods of laboratory work safely and securely and how to use chemical tools in a correct and appropriate manner and to identify chemical materials and how to use them in simple and medium preparations and reactions, not complex ones.

The chemistry lab studies the field of analytical chemistry and organic chemistry from preparations, tests and disclosures.

2- Thermodynamics Lab

This lab includes experiments related to thermodynamics and is used by third-year students for one semester according to the prescribed curriculum.

3- Experimental Lab

The experimental lab consists of a heat transfer lab, a mass transfer lab and an industrial units lab. The lab contains many devices specialized in the field of chemical engineering such as distillation, absorption, filtration, adsorption, sieve analysis, and heat exchange.

4- Process Control Lab

The lab is used by fourth-year students and contains experiments that deal with the practical application of experiments on the kinetics of mass, heat and fluid transfer processes, as well as controlling variables such as temperature, liquid height, liquid speed, concentration and hydrogen number. The lab contains experiments that operate by controlling them using an electronic system linked to a computer.