We would like to inform you that the official working hours at the Deanship of Al-Farabi University will be on Saturdays only of every week for a period of one month due to maintenance work for the purpose of receiving your transactions.
Job announcement for two vacant positions
Al-Farabi University announces its need to contract with computer engineers or programmers with experience and competence.They will be tested on this basis to determine the salary in light of that.Whoever finds in himself the desire and ability to review the office of the Administrative Assistant starting from Saturday 7/13/2024 for a period of one week.
Announcement of holding a workshop entitled “Teaching 3D MAX”
The Continuing Education Unit is holding a workshop entitled “Teaching 3D MAX Program” on Monday and Tuesday (8-9/7) at 10:00 AM, delivered by Engineer (Abbas Ali Hussein). For those who wish to register, please visit the Continuing Education Unit. Workshop Curriculum:
Holding a specialized workshop (internal control and audit procedures)
The Rehabilitation, Employment and Follow-up Unit at Al-Farabi University, in cooperation with the Department of Accounting and Banking Sciences, organized a specialized workshop entitled (Internal Control and Auditing Procedures) for university graduates. The workshop was delivered by (Dr. Magda Abdul Majeed Abdul Aziz, Dr. Fahima Asiloh Haidou) from the Department of Banking and Accounting Sciences […]
Al-Farabi University College Announces Updated Exam Schedule
Al-Farabi University College announced the schedule of exams for the second semester (evaluation and non-evaluation subjects), which will start on Sunday, 6/23/2024. Al-Farabi University College highlighted that the exam time will be at 11 AM, for 3 hours, and according to Ministerial directives, the student will not be allowed to enter the exam hall after […]
Al-Farabi University College Participates in Scientific Symposium
The Engineering Departments, Al-Farabi University College participated in the symposium on applying national standards to accredit national engineering education programs, which was held by the “Iraqi Council for Accreditation of Engineering Education” on Tuesday, 6/11/2024, at the College of Engineering at University of Baghdad.It is worth to be mentioned that the symposium is one of […]
Al-Farabi University College Organizes Solidarity Stand with Palestine
The students of the Department of Pharmacy (first stage), Al-Farabi University College organized a solidarity stand with the Palestinian people.
Al-Farabi University College Mournes Its Deceased Faculty Member
With the Name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Precious(So give good news to those who are patient, who, when a calamity befalls them, say, indeed, to Allah we belong, and to Him we will return).Almighty God Has Spoken the Truth.Deanship of Al-Farabi University College condoled with faith in the will and destiny of […]
Al-Farabi University College announces on the need for the obtainers of Master’s and Ph.D. to be employed as faculty members for the following departments: Please visit the office of the Administrative Assistant to complete the contracting requirements.Contact us via the College’s website, starting on 6/10/2024.
In cooperation with Baghdad University, Cybersecurity Department Holds Joint Training Course
In cooperation with the University of Baghdad, College of Science, Department of Cybersecurity Sciences and Continuing Education Unit at Al-Farabi University College held a one-day joint training course entitled (Introduction to Methods of Hacking & Data Protection) within the framework of the joint cooperation between the two colleges.